
  1. U

    For Sale  Multiple New Frogskins

    Hello everyone, I haven’t been on in sometime. I got out of collecting and put most of stuff in a few boxes when I moved into my new house a couple of years ago. I was cleaning out my basement and looked through the boxes for the first time in a couple of years. I have quite a few random items...
  2. Jerome

    Are these custom Oakleys real and rare?

    Hello everyone, Today I found this company called www.outdoorevasion.com that is selling a lot of custom Oakleys. This company is located in Spain. Some of these custom frames I have never seen before. I'm always a but scepical these days with so many fakes floating around on the internet...
  3. Shade Station

    Oakley Splatterfade Collection

    Hi everyone, We now have the Oakley Splatterfade collection online available for pre-order, stock is due imminently. See below the links to Frogskins and Frogskins Lite which include the Splatterfade, and also our campaign for a closer look. Let us know your thoughts...